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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Problems with FSX DDS DXT5

    Can anybody! HELP!

    I am a newbie to Skinning and having problems getting the Skin back looking like correct skin rather than a mosaque. I have spent most of the week on and off to correct this problem with no sucess.

    I am using Photoshop 7.0, DXTBmp, FSX.

    I have followed the turotial to the 'T' for fs2004 and every time i save back to FSX this happens to the skin (see attached photo's), i have used DDS Dxt5 for the conversion and still happens and tried others also.

    I have copied a Microsoft texture from another texture for the same aircraft loaded in to DXTBmp then put it back without doing anything to it and it works ok, but once it has been into photoshop after converting it into 24bit 1024 x 1024 then refresh in DXTBmp then save as DDS DXT5 back into FSX with the alpha then load FSX yet again still not correct.

    Is this a problem how Photoshop is putting it together or is it a case of conversion for FSX, far as i can gather the problem lies with Photoshop.

    I have noticed that their is not any tuturials around anywhere for Painting for FSX
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Re: Problems with FSX DDS DXT5

    I have found the solution to my problem (operator trouble)

    What I had done was I turned the void around 180 deg and flipped it horizontally so that I could work on the fuselage, what I didn’t do was to turn it back to its original state before I saved and converted it, now its looking as it should be.

    A big lesson learnt after a long struggle getting it right.

    Also I have found after a big search on the web is a good beginners repaint basic tutorial for FSX very detailed.


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