hi GF,
here is what i used on the spearfish,firecrest and seahawk, worked out by checking real paint chips![]()
I reckon it will give us a starting point. What we do with it then will be as individual as our own way of working.
For argument's sake, my interpretation of RAF Extra Dark Sea Grey is C23%, M2%, Y0%, K77%.
With that as a starting point anyone cam tweak it to their own requirements, fading, desaturating or whatever.
I know I'd appreciate the resource!
Last edited by Serval; 19th April 2010 at 19:52. Reason: prefix added
hi GF,
here is what i used on the spearfish,firecrest and seahawk, worked out by checking real paint chips![]()
JMSmith (back by popular demand)
Good start JM. Just to preface my reply, I have no idea what this color should look like other than my imagination and no color chips or reference to check it. But just to cover a few bases, I've got some other RGB numbers to check out:
The top left is from Ebola's swatches I got from the Simmer's download section. The top right is a color I got when I was working on Targetware planes, no idea where the research comes from, the lower left is from the Simmer's color swatch pages and the lower right is from this website-
FAA Extra Dark Sea Grey Model Metal Paints and Metallic Paints - RC5908 - FAA Extra Dark Sea Grey Paint, FAA Extra Dark Sea Grey Color, Testors Model Paint, 4F5D66 - Art-Paints.com
Testor's paints?
Anyway, just a comparison, nothing more, no solid research.
Just my 2 cents, I'd say your color is very sober, and just based on my limited knowledge, I'd choose yours or Ebola's on the top left based on looks alone.
What I'd like to see here is one or more people with actual physical color chips to check the color. Is there a solid Federal Standard match or a Pantone match for this color? I can check those.
Oops, I forgot Grubby's color! (converted to RGB)
Notice Grubby's is more blue while JM's is more green gray? Variations?
Ah hell, it's late and I'm tired, sorry for all the posts. Perhaps this is a good way to handle this? Compare the colors and narrow them down? I'm sure some colors can be narrowed down to one definitive color but other may need a range or chips?
Hard to say.
After looking at pictures, my opinion would be that John and Grubby's colours seem rather good.
I don't see much green in the colour, so the Ebola colour (top left) seems incorrect.
Bottom left colour (SPS) looks too light. Perhaps OK for a more weathered/less glossy paint job, such as on the Gannet? (God, it's ugly). Since this is a German a/c, it might be using a different paint, I'm not sure...
Top and bottom right seem fairly good. The bottom right might need some more blue to it.
I think that the best thing we can do is what Blowhard suggests: narrow it down to a few paint chips.
just a little add on here,
i always do my colours "as new" now this bloody colour was a right pain in the butt, it faded faster than a shooting star and reduced down to a pale grey blue![]()
JMSmith (back by popular demand)