Well GFR, considering yer tenacity and skills, I'd love to see your rendition.
Nice, typically exacting details.
I'm a big fan of most of the twin engined fighters of the era, no matter how flawed the concept proved to be.
The 410 is on my fabled list.![]()
Well GFR, considering yer tenacity and skills, I'd love to see your rendition.
Veeery nice one Otter...
Because I am researching the ZG76 history, when they flew these beautiful planes, I can imagine many camos to be applied on it
Already did some...but need to be refined...
Hi Otter!
Great that you have reworked the cockpit section and that you have finded time to finish the tail undercarriage.
I just miss the oxygen hatch under the canopy.
(old WIP shot. canopy frame not reworked)
Also I', not sure what you have drawn under the wing. It's the thing with the line with the circle on the end. Can't be the dive brakes as they looked different!
Cheers, Simon
Those are tie down rings Simon. Oxygen hatch...where? I duped every single hatch and panel line I could see. Was I staring at the photos for so long I glazed over and missed something? Ooops!!! Nevermind, I found it. Little wonder I missed it. Impossible to see on 98% of the photos I've got. I had to deliberately hunt to find it. That's why posting your work here is so valuable!
Last edited by Otterkins2; 23rd April 2010 at 19:50.
Hi Otter!
Here is a nice shot!
It's a Me 210, but the Oxygen hatch was the same.
For the tie down rings. Do you have any photographs of that for me? Never noticed them.
Cheers, Simon
hi otter mate,
i believe there is another fault with the drawing, but i am to depressed to look in my file for the proof, so we will just wait and see if anyone else spots it.
sorry mate.
JMSmith (back by popular demand)
@Simon: Dunno where I found that photo now out of the thousands I've got. I don't think all 410's had them, but I thought it was a cool feature to add and it can easily be removed if needed.
@John: WHAT??? Just when I'm ready to put it to bed you waltz in and shoot me down. Can't be anything major tho, so I'll forgive you this time.![]()
sorry mate,
but it is major, to me anyway, every single drawing of the aircraft as the same problem, and suprisingly so as simons.
here are the areas marked in red that are wrong, the green mark is the only bit you got right
now study the other images i posted and see what you need to alter, the aircraft engine is square to the wing, not the horizon, you got the underside intake right but did not bother to do the rest, you should see underside of first exhaust tube, the far wall of the undercarriage well, the leg should look like it is slopping outward, ect ect
by the way, you can quite clearly see this in lots of images.
JMSmith (back by popular demand)
Heres a photo showing the tie down ring for ya Simon. Considering it's length, it was probably removed before flight in order to reduce drag. I've since removed it from the drawing.
@ Sir John: That cold musta gone straight to yer brain. I'll redo the exhaust covers and the gear bay as noted. But, if you look at a photo from the front of either a 210 or a 410 though, you'll see that the struts are so near to vertical it would be foolish to rework the perspective since it would be all but non-existant.![]()
Unfortunately, in rexamining the very good shots I have of the Hendon bird (thanks Jester) I realized much to my horror that I had duplicated exactly what I saw in the photos and that the hydraulics are blown. A bit of frantic scrambling and I managed to fix that. I'll post again as soon as I've sorted out the cockpit interior.
Last edited by Otterkins2; 25th April 2010 at 10:21.