Hello all,

Love the work I see on here so thought I would ask if any of you have already - or would be prepared to create for me a few profiles I can use on a website I am designing. This is for an IL2 Online Squadron - the Tangmere Pilots, the current website can be found here although the profiles are to be used for an update.

Welcome to TangmerePilots.com

I am prepared to cover a small fee if this is applicable, although I would not be able to pay a lot - If any of you are interested please let me know as it would be a huge help to me. I will need the profiles in digital format of any kind that can be opened with Photoshop.

The aircraft will be BOB Era, Hurricane and Spitfires of No1, No43, No145 and No601 Squadrons of the RAF. I should be able to give you details of marking etc should you require them. Obviously full credit will be given to the artist for any work used. I hope some of you talented chaps can help me out.