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Thread: Paths in CS5?

  1. #1

    Paths in CS5?

    Maybe it's the same for CS4 too, but in CS3 and earlier you could select a path point or a line between paths with the direct selection tool and delete just that point or line or copy that point or line and paste it later. Now you either delete the whole path or subtract that point. Once a path in CS5 is closed it can't be partially opened anymore? I can't copy part of a path anymore either. Is it all or nothing now? Did Adobe dumb down paths for CS5?
    I won't be too happy if there is no way to delete or copy a single point or collections of points anymore.

  2. #2

    Re: Paths in CS5?

    Huh! I have no idea what was wrong with was doing wrong last night but now it seems paths work just as the used to. I must have tried a half dozen things and looked at several PS help forums and I could make it work. Now it does just what I want.
    Who knows, maybe I was just tired?


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