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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: New guy with Hampden

    Cool eggplane Inkspot, do you have more of those?
    Oh. That's what it is. I thought it was a schmuperfortress. I like all the same.
  2. #12

    Re: New guy with Hampden

    Quote Originally Posted by Supah View Post
    Awesome, the look like you could hide Cessna 150 fuselages in them! Cool eggplane Inkspot, do you have more of those?
    Inkspot? I've been called many things but never that before
    How many more would you like?
    Here is one that is work in progress and the bottom shows the paths that currently make it up.

    More on my site though half them need attention at some point.

    JMSmith, can you let me know which other plans Richard has drawn so if I do use any as a resource I can double check them! Or maybe it is time to produce some new drawings.
  3. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Ellistown UK

    Re: New guy with Hampden

    hi silkworm,

    any drawing you need to check just ask on here, between us we can advise you to which are the best, except for 109 or 190's which i still argue about with otter(only joking mate, and no your not blacked, just me being a nasty old git)

    back to the drawings, nearly every drawing done by anyone as its faults, you just have to pick the best and compare them to as many photos as you can, then when you have gone blind you start drawing and post your WIP on here so we can find even more outline fault

    at the end of the day it is what you find exceptable to you own liking.

    with regard RJC's drawing most are fine with just the odd fault, afterall he is just a human being under a lot of pressure from publishers

    just checked your site, just love thr egg plane, anyone remember the eggplane models, your A10 is my favourite


    you have done my second favourite car, the Healey 3000, now when ya gonna do the AC Cobra.
    and how did you explain why sheep don't go MOO
    Last edited by JMSmith; 3rd September 2010 at 20:42. Reason: to beat GM at editing
    JMSmith (back by popular demand)
  4. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: New guy with Hampden

    I have to write at least two characters here if I want to edit? That is censorship if you ask me.
    Last edited by gamary; 3rd September 2010 at 21:03. Reason: Forget it, John. I'm invicible.
  5. #15

    Re: New guy with Hampden

    Quote Originally Posted by JMSmith View Post
    you just have to pick the best and compare them to as many photos as you can, then when you have gone blind you start drawing and post your WIP on here so we can find even more outline fault
    Sounds about right, why the egg planes are much easier, some artistic license there, though I still need to get the details right for the anoraks, glad you like the A10 though I do want to do some tweaks to it and improve on it.

    As for going blind, that's what happened with the Rapide on my site, wanted to get it right as it was the first a/c my father ever flew in and with the help of the owner tracked down some b/w photos of it at the right date, then had a disagreement with the owner about some of the old colour until we talked to the pilot who took my dad up who agreed with me. Having got it all printed out had a walk around the original and realised a whole host of errors with the drawing but everyone else was happy, even if you all find fault with it!

    The Healey is for a company that sell the parts plus they are rather nice classics, if I ever get the time I'll try a cobra but they don't fly so a bit dull if you ask me.

    And regarding sheep, I lied and have given the little one a long lecture on linguistics instead
  6. #16

    Re: New guy with Hampden

    Nice website Inkworm!

    anyone remember the eggplane models
    Check out this fun site-
    eggstreme machines - Home

  7. #17

    Re: New guy with Hampden

    Inkwell got me thinking. No yolking folks, it can happen! Why bother with all those tiresome paths just to get an eggy image. Nada, I thought there has to be a simpler way. Result below. Five minutes per image. Seems to work on my 3D stuff as well. Not as good as inkblot’s but there you go. Can’t have everything. Must get back to the washing-up now.
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