Excellent skin m8
One of my next project will be spit VIII, but I still have to search for more profiles![]()
Spitfire MK.VIII captured and repainted for evaluation by the Germans after it landed on enemy territory.
Probably a Mk.IX in real live (not sure) I think it looks far better on a MK.VIII.
I have no info about this plane at all, only one colour photograph and 2 B&W's, So if anyone has some info about it I would like to know
I hope I have the yellow right...couldn't find the RGB numbers for it
Last edited by Erretje_1.JaVA; 3rd December 2005 at 20:47.
Excellent skin m8
One of my next project will be spit VIII, but I still have to search for more profiles![]()
Hallo Erretje,
sauber gemachter Skin, habe das Foto auch schon unterhttp://www.luftarchiv.de/ gesehen.
Ich habe mir mal den Spass erlaubt und den Anstrich auf unseren Geschwaderskin gelegt.
Lange nicht so real wie deiner, aber dennoch.
Hello Erretje,
"cleanly" made Skin, has the photo already under www.luftarchiv.de
seen. I took the liberty not as times the fun and am not enough the painting on our Geschwaderskin gelegt.It is not so good as yours, but nevertheless.
Gr?sse oder Greetings or Groeten
"Mit Humor hinauf, verbissen drauf, wackelnd zurück, das ist Jagdfliegerglück."