I have seen some add-on that would make this possible. It does just what you want, enable members to post items for sale or request items you are looking for.
I need to look it up, but I know it“s there.
Yes, it's a great idea!
Yes, why not?
Not really.
Not at all,it's a bad idea!
I don't have an opinion.
Just a quick question for Serval.
Do you think it would be possible to create a sort of "marketplace" section? I was thinking some members might want to sell or buy some aviation material via SPS? (I'm only talking of initiating contact via SPS. the rest would be between the two parties.)
For example, I have a book on the He 162 that I'm trying to sell. I'm willing to sell it at a lower price to any SPS member who's interested.
Let me know what you think. I'm adding a poll to see what other members think. It's not that important to me, but I thought some people might be interested and I think there is no harm in raising the question.
I have seen some add-on that would make this possible. It does just what you want, enable members to post items for sale or request items you are looking for.
I need to look it up, but I know it“s there.
A shameless bump for this initiative.
I'm curious what people think of it.
Can I vote twice? (If not I can also shamelessly bump it.)