It's rather surprising to me how very little attention has been paid to this rather venerable aircraft. Tough and reliable, it soldiered on until sometime in the 80's under nearly every flag in the world. Its duties included anti-shipping/submarine roles and rescue for downed pilots in the Chanel. It was also to play a large role as a passenger and cargo transporter later on and went through 29 variations. It beat out the Dragon Rapide in early trials and was to become the most commonly used aircraft in Commonwealth airforces. Perhaps it just wasn't glamorous enough. To date, the only kit of it that I know of was done in the 50's in 1/72 scale by Airfix. Since then....nothing. Nor have I seen colour profiles of it. In fact, there's less than a handful of books dedicated to it. If anybody has good pictures of the greenhouse and landing gear on this thing, I'd really appreciate seeing them.
Last edited by Otterkins2; 28th September 2010 at 20:38.