I've temporarily killed all work on the B-17. The scale plans and reference material I have are not enough to make an accurate profile so I'm placing it on hold. (BTW Zamex, your scale plans were among the best I've found. You said they were the "old version". I conclude you've made a new version? )

In the meantime, I'm going for the B-29:
Name:  AAA B-29A Silverplate port model.jpg
Views: 398
Size:  21.8 KB
If I'm really good, I might have it finished by the end of today, but I doubt it. It's not totally impossible, though, as I'm starting with the Silverplate version (aka Big-Atomic-Boom-version). That allows me to dispense with troublesome things like turrets and stuff. And the B-29 is a fairly simple shape so...

Comments welcome!