main gear pod need changing![]()
rogah - rudder changes to come in next installment - meanwhile it looks increasingly like a . . . P-40E!
main gear pod need changing![]()
JMSmith (back by popular demand)
tx John,
now with modified rudder shape and gear housing . . .
Heya Mc, looking pretty good.
You might want to work on your spinner some. Notice how you've got a shadow all the way around it's outside edge? That shadow flattens the pointed tip. The shadow should diminish at the tip rather than stay consistent. Also make sure your shading is consistent with the cowling where it meets the spinner.
I haven't gotten around to mentioning this yet in your P-39 post, but your drop tank is a little flat across the side. I know it's minor but it should be worked out if you're going to reuse this tank. I think if you raise the shadow in the mid section some and lower the highlight the same it will look much more round.
BTW, is this the size you work in or do you reduce the before posting? I found it nearly impossible to do the shading with so few pixels to work with.
But back to the overall, this one is looking like it will be as nice as the P-39 and that one is pretty good looking![]()
thanks - suggestions gratefully accepted. The original is 300 dpi and 7000 pixels across. Once I upgrade to DDR3 RAM my standard drawing size will become 10,000 dpi, a piece of cake for a 64 Bit system,
Very good![]()
Yo Jesters et al,
duh, I meant 10,000 pixels. Meanwhile, more exciting installments plus modifications to shading. Ever notice how the last 10% takes 90% of the time ? I'm about 50% finished,
I've been following this exciting saga with great interest. Looking real good now. Like the colouring. What's it going to be? A night fighter?
Hey guys,
no advancements yet - bad week for time. However, in view of Ratfugel's query, it is time to showcase the markings of Nachtgeschwader Hindenburg "Die Kangarous fliegen", which served under Oberst Claus Von Mittelwurf.
Love to razzle you Luftwaffe guys. The Luftwaffe is OK, but the Pacific theatre rocks. More soon,