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Thread: Wings of Prey

  1. #1

    Wings of Prey

    A few weeks back Wings of Prey was made skinnable. The sim falls short in many areas as far as a flight sim goes.. even though it is in my humble opinion still thoroughly enjoyable as it is, for a while at least, it is not as .... functional nor is it as well thought out as IL2 is... It has no mission builder and the way the skin structure is set up now skins don't even show up online.. but the devs have said they are planning an updated version that will address many of the issues that are currently making this sim less than it could be, however if the skinning itself is your thing.. or a big part of your thing, then this sim is right up your alley.

    Graphically at this moment as far as WWII sims go, it has absolutely no equal on the market. Since it is now skinnable I was wondering if a section for not only Wings of Prey but Rise of Flight the top dog in WWI flight sims as well could be considered for this site.

    If people from these sims were willing to submit tutorials on various aspects of skinning in either of these sims Would the you gentlemen consider opening up a page for them?
    Below are some sample screens from WoP.

    To be totally honest I have not gotten into skinning in RoF because I have come to realize that as far as sims go.. my thing is WWII .... post Korea and pre WWII really don't interest me much, but I do know that there is some great stuff being done by skinners in RoF and since this is Simmers Paintshop,AFAIC THE PLACE to go to to get information on skinning in LOMAC, IL2, MSFS & Targetware .. I figured that since WoP and RoF are graphically the best WWI & WWII sims out at this time.. perhaps it would be something that you might consider.

    Last edited by Bearcat99; 14th October 2010 at 06:11.
  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Tracy Island

    Re: Wings of Prey

    Thanks for the suggestion Bearcat, we're looking at these now.

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