Great job Thierry! Panel lines need a bit of work, but looks good overall.
Hi guys,
After many researches on my documents, here is my profile of Stuka Ju87D used over Warsaw in 1944. I was inspired from a picture of Ju87 I/SG 1 flying over Russia at beginning of 1944 (Ref Classic Colors _Ian Allan Publishing).
All the best
Wlad the Kameleon
Great job Thierry! Panel lines need a bit of work, but looks good overall.
Hi Otterkins,
Thanks for your comments, For panel lines, may be less visible ? and light on wing upper surface.
Good luck for uour JagdPzIV, plan looks very good.
Best Regards,
Wlad the Kameleon
Notice the panel lines in this example. They are dark grey followed by a thin white highlight. The dark grey portrays the end of one panel and the white the beginning of another. The placement of the white line depends upon the direction your light is coming from. No black is required because the contrast between the two adequately represents the panel separation and the whole thing blends much better and looks much more natural. Just my thoughts on your style my friend, which I really like a lot.
I see,
Thanks a lot for details. I will try it on my profile.
Wlad the Kameleon
Look at some of the work by Supah, Ugo, Giant Flying Robots, Jester, Baron, Gaetan and Blowhard. They all have subtle genius. You draw very well. Now you need to learn how to kiss it gently like your girl. These are not land locked armoured beasts. They are graceful and agile creatures of the air. Your style works very well for tanks but for aircraft you need a lighter hand. You've added a lot of character to this profile, but to take it to the next level you need to observe the masters if they decide to comment. You have the makings of a great illustrator, but I think you can be better.
Last edited by Otterkins2; 17th October 2010 at 05:01.
and not to mention your underwing markings,
they are flat, they need curving to follow the shape of the underside of the wing![]()
JMSmith (back by popular demand)
Thank you very much for all your usefull comments. I worked again on my Stuka's profile, and here a other step....(hope, less "tank profile way of making"...)
Wlad the Kameleon
Dramatic improvement Thierry! It looks very crisp but not overstated.