how many do you want
Hi all,
has anyone got drawings which show the different engine types between the Marks of Hudsons?
Thanks in advance,
how many do you want
JMSmith (back by popular demand)
here's mine
they are accurate![]()
JMSmith (back by popular demand)
and a drawing done by richard (RJC)
be care full using these i spent many hours correcting them for my versions above, mine are right![]()
JMSmith (back by popular demand)
You are a national treasure. To whom do we submit the paperwork for your knighthood? Your talents remind me of that line, "we counted them out and counted them in - where do we get such men?"
Yours aye
need to replicate a RAAF 34 Sqn Mk III shot down on 22 Jul 42, ex Port Moresby. Here is what I have so far. Much to go, and I need to track down the codes etc,
MC, Nice!!Only comment for your consideration is that the leading edge of the shadow cast by the horizontal tail on the fuselage should not be as curved as you show. Only highly swept-back tails, wings, etc. should give that curved effect IMHO.
Looks good, you've come quite a ways.
Couple of things I'd like to see improved.
The glass just doesn't look transparent to me, maybe drop the opacity way down.
I think your props/hubs could do with extra detail.
I have no idea which is correct, but the trailing edge of your vertical fin dosen't seem to match the line-art above.
tx guys! the yellow roundel was painted out on A16-201, and I have to check I have fin flash right. as to rear curved shadow, I like it as it looks cool (my intitials as MC can represent 'Master of Cool' - John - am I allowed to do this under artistic license?). fixed other issues as mentioned. will work on prop later,
just a couple of things,
rudder rear shape as pointed out by GFR, your side and nose windows are totally wrong, how do i know?, because i have the only accutate drawing of the correct shapesspent bloody weeks researching and getting them right, then there the colour scheme, where ya found that from, not in any ministry orders ever printed
i suspect you have over weathered the standard brown/green scheme.
by the way, would ya like a BP turret
Last edited by JMSmith; 31st October 2010 at 09:06. Reason: one more over GM
JMSmith (back by popular demand)