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  1. #1

    RAF Postwar fonts

    Anyone got a good font for the RAF in 60s' or know what they used, I've not found anything really good that doesn't need tweaking.

    In particular the 8 is very distinctive.

    If anyone has something or a guide to the fonts (John?) so I can recreate them it would be very helpful.

    I've had a look at the fonts on here but none quite seem to fit the bill.
  2. #2

    Re: RAF Postwar fonts

    This is close-
    Name:  raf_pw_ath.jpg
Views: 298
Size:  78.4 KB
    The S and the 6 aren't quite right but the 8 is pretty close if not the same. The X in the photo looks like the intersection of the uprights is higher than the RAF font too.
    Get the RAF font right here-

    I don't know if you can get closer but my advice, as always, is use the closest font, convert it to paths and make the necessary changes to make it exact

  3. #3

    Re: RAF Postwar fonts

    If I find anything close I'll let you know as it must be out there somewhere meanwhile Illustrator will suffice

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