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Thread: Harriers

  1. #1


    If anyone is in the Cottesmore vicinity they are practicing tomorrow (Friday) for a 16 ship formation next Wednesday for a big send off and retirement before the final day of flying the following day when they will all be grounded.

    Big loss in my opinion but I'll be heading over next week to wave them off.
  2. #2

    Re: Harriers

    Quote Originally Posted by inkworm View Post
    If anyone is in the Cottesmore vicinity they are practicing tomorrow (Friday) for a 16 ship formation next Wednesday for a big send off and retirement before the final day of flying the following day when they will all be grounded.

    Big loss in my opinion but I'll be heading over next week to wave them off.

    Wish I could go, but my timetable is rammed atm, give um a wave from me Ink and I agree with you too.

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