no problem...just e-mail me, and iīll send them your way (
AP, I'd like those drawings too if you don't mind.
no problem...just e-mail me, and iīll send them your way (
Interesting first rendering AP. Makes me think of a comment by Skyraider3d (IIRC) who said that most of us put too much shading and lighting on our profiles. Since this is 3D, nobody will say so, but had it been 2D I think the general reaction would have been "lacks shape definition".
Maybe the metal needs improving? Don't know really. How advanced are you on this one? Is it finished? Are you still working on it?
Thanks Gamary:
Still very much a WIP. I havenīt yet started to think about the texture of this one. Perhaps try and have a look at the Ford i have posted in this forum, this is a WIP but much further closer to completion. This shows what textures iīm aiming for on this project.
Hereīs a new update with some more attention to the textures of the fuselage and nose section. I have added a layer which breaks up the highlights and a socalled "bumpmap" in which the panellines is defined. Later on the bumpmap will also feature some random bumps to simulate stressed skin. Hereīs a detail shot of the nose section.
I have also started on the weathering, Still some way to go. Next big issue is the rivets, and then thereīs lots and lots of modeling to do. The landing gear and cockpit area is far from finsihed. And then i will add some droptanks and pylons...
Hope you like it so far
Maybe not fair, but in my opinion 2D sketching gives much more possibility to do work as realistic and artistic. 3D is very good to do fantastic renders but they need a lot of 2d work to finish.
3D could be used as preview of shadows and blicks - but anyway finished work must be corrected at 2D
For me this model is quite "flat", there are no accent of blicks and shadows. It needs a lot of work.
Thanks for your comment. I donīt agree with everything you say, but iīll take it all into consideration.
As I wrote in my previous post, this is a WIP so you are right: It does need a lot of work.
You sound like you also use 3d applications, so i would be very interest in hearing what kind of post-work you suggest a 3d model need (and perhaps what applications you use)
Just a question for my education: Is that orange color supposed to be the dayglo-red/orange used by VF-121 at one time? Kind of an unusual color in your WIP.
itīs surpose to be a Day-glo but it might be too light...Have to check that.
Nice shot of the red-orange at