Simple indeed. Except for the fact that any choice of colours for a German aircraft will inevitably lead to arguments and firefights.@ Gammy and Jester: You both know I have already done the line work for both the Fw-190 series and the Bf-109 series in their entirety along with the most common add ons for both. They have all been through the acid test and pass muster. All you have to do is research the schemes and make sure you stay inside the lines when you colour. Too simple!At least we know you've taken care of the part that can't be debated.
@Jesters: Didn't know you had a crash, but I'm sorry to hear that. I had mine just after Christmas and it wasn't fun either. Fortunately I didn't lose too much data. I have a routine of systematically saving files to an external HD, which helps. It doesn't cover everything (Photoshop brushes or fonts, for example) but it's a start.
Hope you recover soon.