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  1. #1

    Would you work for free?

    This will help with the decision making and sure to an extent it applies to everyone here.
  2. #2

    Re: Would you work for free?

    Ha ha, I work for free every week.
  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: Would you work for free?

    Ha ha, I work for free every week.

    Gotta see the good side, Jest: we're knee-deep in promised kidneys. ;-) That could come in handy one day.

    Having two jobs, I even feel like quoting the Soviet workers' motto:

    As long as they keep pretending to pay us, we'll keep pretending to work.
    Last edited by gamary; 13th January 2011 at 19:55. Reason: Cuz I'm a dumb guy who can't get it right on the 1st or 2nd try. I even had to edit this edit.

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