7th December 2005, 15:28
Layered Paintkits?
some of you may know me others won'T.. whatever Here I am 
First of all a thank you to Serval for his much appreciated work he continued against all odds!! Your help was really usefull for creating my il2/pf skins.
You might ask yourself why i am in the MSFS room.. well..
I am desperatly searching for LAYERED!! paintkits for the default MS FS9 Boing 747. Is it really possible the MSFS skinenrs never used templates in layered format?
I'd be happy with any hint... 
7th December 2005, 15:37
Re: Layered Paintkits?
Hiya Simplex, nice to see you here
Sadly I can't help you on the FS repaint side, as I only repaint FB birds.

7th December 2005, 16:53
Re: Layered Paintkits?
Hi Simplex, welcome to the forums!
Here's a link that should get you going:
7th December 2005, 20:34
Re: Layered Paintkits?
Yeah hello Loke.. it feels really good to see familiar face.. ehm.. names 
Adlabs, do i need a certain.. tool to open these bmp files?! (dam again only bmps
I extracted them but cannot open them with ANY tool. tried Photoshop, Irfanview, ACDsee... nothing opened them correctly. PS said something like "corrupted volume" or Volume error (well i have a german version of good old PS7 so i have no clue what the proper english trnaslation of the error message could be)
7th December 2005, 20:56
Re: Layered Paintkits?
Hmm, if they are .bmp then (I didn't have time to check) then they may be using dts compression.
To get this dtx formatted .bmp into a 32 bit color, you'll need to use Imagetool or DTXbmp to edit and resave them in 24 or 32 bit color .bmp format. Imagetool gets installed with Gmax (which is on your FS2004 CDs) into the FS2004 gamepack plugins folder. DTXbmp is free, and is avaliable on the web for download. Here is a link to DTXbmp, thanks to HH!
Post back if you need more help, I know this conversion process well!
As for PSDs, I met the same trouble when I did some repaints, sorry about that. They seem very rare compared to the IL2 world.
7th December 2005, 21:07
Re: Layered Paintkits?
Oh Adlabs... I am really fed up before I even started it again 
I wouldn'T call me a total skinning noob after making all those 56th FG Jugs and a bunch of Spits, Seafires, Wildcats bla bla bla... but that FS2004 stuff is really complex 
I still have a unfinished Casino Express 737-200 waiting for the last touches...
Thanks for your help!
7th December 2005, 21:15
Re: Layered Paintkits?
yuk... holy adlabs.. that template of the 747 is hilarious... i have to check that ingame.. never flown the 747 in FS2004...
Am using the whole sim only as screenshot producer as you can get a widerange of birds for it...
16th December 2005, 04:50
Re: Layered Paintkits?
Grab the *white* bmp, put it into PSP (or photoshop). Create a duplicate layer, and set that layer to "multiply", then work under that layer. Sorted
16th December 2005, 10:05
Re: Layered Paintkits?
I tried remove white
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