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  1. #11

    Re: Photoshop tutorial for all you n00bs, yes YOU!

    You mean "she", and she has not a clue about good graphics or art. I've never used comic sans at work but I use plenty of brush script

    Here's another good one-
    Fotoshop by Adobé on Vimeo

  2. #12

    Re: Photoshop tutorial for all you n00bs, yes YOU!

    Is she a manager?

    I think the worst I've come across is when doing a rebrand for a small client (well the client was quite tall but you know what I mean) and they had to have the meeting at their house. So fired up the computer, got some print outs of concepts and logo ideas etc, his wife then came in got out a pencil case with some crayons and a rather nasty old note pad and proceeded to inform us that she knew best as she had once done an O level in art and her daughter was quite good at drawing!
    Harriers...uppy downy things.
  3. #13

    Re: Photoshop tutorial for all you n00bs, yes YOU!

    Is she a manager?
    She's the owner, otherwise I think she'd be sacked by now

    I've had that "wife with crayons" thing happen to me too


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