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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Colorado, US

    USAAF/PTO Tactical Markings

    I have a couple of questions I thought some of you might be able to answer:

    By mid 1943 all P-40's operating with VII FtrCmnd were directed to display
    white tactical theater markings (see attachment).

    Additionally, the 15th, 18th, 21st and 318th FtrGrps were instructed to apply
    distinctive group/squadron identifying markings in July of the same year.

    1.) Were both the PTO and group/squadron markings displayed concurrently,
    or did the newer group markings supersede the earlier directive ?

    2.) Were the diagonal PTO theater stripes as applied to the rear horizontal
    stabilizers and upper wing surfaces applied to lower surface areas as well?

    Any help with these items will be greatly appreciated.

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