Played with a Cintq before and not 100% happy with colour calibration but heard good stuff from a friend who uses one for his work, got a rather old graphire which has been fine for the last decade
I've got an A6 Graphire. This has been fine for yonks. I'm on my third stylus. I have a friend who draws Fairies and he had an A4 tablet for a while. He started getting shoulder and arm aches from having to support and move his arm so far all the time.
The A6 is really flick of the wrist stuff. I'd like to try an A5 and see what it was like.
For those who don't use one, it does make this stuff much easier. I use tablet/mouse at about 75/25 ratio. One thing to note is that a mouse is better for pinpoint stuff like placing path points on one pixel. The tablets are sensitive to a height of around 10mm, so you can place a bezier point where you want it, but as you lift the stylus away from the slate, it can jiggle and jump, and your point shifts! One for the mouse!!
What? Eh? sounds like you two are doing something wrong then, I've never had a problem with anything vector or raster in either Photoshop or Illustrator.
No idea how you can do your work without a tablet Supah, I use a mouse when typing in word and the odd bit of indesign type work but that is the extent of it. Even surfing tends to be the tablet.
We should have a thread for discussing the different techniques we use, I know Otter refuses to touch anything involving pixels with a 10ft pole, I use Illustrator for all the shapes, outlines, panels, curved lines etc then soft brushes in Photy and John just nudges the odd pixel in MS Paint![]()
ckeeky bar steward,
i have you know it is a steam powered Jasac Paintshop Pro 7and it shifts 4 pixels at a time
i also have PS Pro10 and illustrator CS3
i also use the mouse, left handed, and i am a right handed person, also have a Wacom tablet, i use it as a beer mat
but best of all i have a full set of pencils and a full set of drawing tools and a drawing board, sorry no crayons![]()
Last edited by JMSmith; 15th February 2011 at 20:55.
JMSmith (back by popular demand)