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  1. #11

    Re: Nice smelling A/C

    Isn't a turret something which moves?....the marking colours are exactly the same as used on other profiles, just look a bit weird, what shades would you recommend taking into account the fact that I have seen in the past two copies of the same mag and the colours look different and are very different from the photoshop file, which looks different on both my monitors and the angle at which the monitor is viewed at and the type of lighting.

    Anyway the colours would have faded and greyed under the desert sun/sand!

    Still on the plus side you've not complained about the basic profile yet
  2. #12

    Re: Nice smelling A/C

    B type, Big Hairy Bird
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    Harriers...uppy downy things.
  3. #13

    Re: Nice smelling A/C

    Pretty nice!

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Ellistown UK

    Re: Nice smelling A/C

    hi chris,

    sorry mate, i have issues with my life at the moment
    now back to your profile, looks ok'ish not sure about the engimge cowling lower lip, and ya yella is too bright, heres how it should look real size,


    by the way sending the other stuff for you
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    JMSmith (back by popular demand)
  5. #15

    Re: Nice smelling A/C

    Quote Originally Posted by JMSmith View Post
    ya yella is too bright, heres how it should look real size,
    I don't know what you mean, it looks fine to me...

    ...waits for the inevitable explanation of old film etc
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    Harriers...uppy downy things.
  6. #16

    Re: Nice smelling A/C

    Don't worry John have changed the colours but thought I'd share this MkIII (G) with you instead, found out from the W/O of this one that the first time they fired the nose gun the perspex shattered so gave up on it!
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    Harriers...uppy downy things.
  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Pekin, IL

    Re: Nice smelling A/C

    Quote Originally Posted by inkworm View Post
    Time to stop being serious for a moment and move on from Arrakis to this

    I'm not convinced on the size of the torpedo but only have some rough photos to go on, plus if anyone has a good detailed turret shot it would be handy.
    I'm guessing you want to know about the torp?

    This is from the Erection & Maintenance manual. Unfortunately, it doesn't give a very good idea of the size. It's a Mk XIII torpedo, so it would be about 13.5 feet (just over 4m) long.
    Note the torpedo shackle tapers to the rear.

    Better late than never, right?
  8. #18

    Re: Nice smelling A/C

    NICE WORK INK!!!! Did you spend more time on this plane than your usual fast deadline or have you learned some good new magic tricks? I really like the looks of this one, really full and solid

  9. #19

    Re: Nice smelling A/C

    Looks nice,
    However, I am personally missing some more gear in the glassy nose. At least shells stripe to feed the gun...looks too empty.
    Peter Kassak
  10. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: Nice smelling A/C

    Agreed with Dave. I like this one. It's got an extra "something"

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