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  1. #1

    first profile, paddys spit

    first attempt at profiling..
    (well, also profiling an f18 from vmfa 314 alongside this one..)

    Still a WIP, but thought id post up and get started on this forum...

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    Last edited by outside; 3rd March 2011 at 16:55.
  2. #2

    Re: first profile, paddys spit

    Welcome to the forum and a good start, one thing to remember (even though it's very early stages) is the roundness of the fuselage, bring the highlights down a lot more and it'll give the depth to the body.

    Keep us posted on how it progresses
    Harriers...uppy downy things.
  3. #3

    Re: first profile, paddys spit

    Looks like a good start ! Welcome to the forum...always nice to see new faces !

    now, lets see the VMFA-412 Hornet !
  4. #4

    Re: first profile, paddys spit

    cheers guys,
    sorry its vmfa 314 - my bad... edited in the post now..
    at home, will post up when i get more done with it..
  5. #5

    Re: first profile, paddys spit

    IŽll look forward to seeing it !
  6. #6

    Re: first profile, paddys spit

    some small developments...
    really enjoying doing this though...forgotten how much i love drawing, esp aircraft... must dust off my pencils and get sketching again...


    not sure of the shadow from the exhausts?
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    Last edited by outside; 24th March 2011 at 12:30.
  7. #7

    Re: first profile, paddys spit

    sorry, also anyone got photos of this plane, not sure what the camo scheme is, have conflicting pictures...
  8. #8

    Re: first profile, paddys spit

    Good start! Is the upper line of the cowling right? The part from the canopy to the spinner? I'm no expert but it looks a little flat to me. Best to always keep checking those outlines

  9. #9

    Re: first profile, paddys spit

    yep, ill check that out, now that you mention it, it looks kinda off alright..

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Re: first profile, paddys spit

    I think it should bulge up where the spinner meets the fuselage Whose plans are you using for this one?

    Click my signature picture to visit my site showing my profiles

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