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Thread: f18a vmfa 314

  1. #1

    f18a vmfa 314

    this ones up for aircraftprofiles, like i said its at the start...

    my second cousin flys with the black knights, am waiting for him to send pics on of his bird to move this profile on...
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  2. #2

    Re: f18a vmfa 314

    Thanks ! Can we see the entire aircraft ? Look like a great start !
  3. #3

    Re: f18a vmfa 314

    sure, here its is zoomed out...
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  4. #4

    Re: f18a vmfa 314

    looks good so far...keep it comming !
  5. #5

    Re: f18a vmfa 314

    eh ok - just under 2 years later and its completed... yay!
    final push with the artwork in the last month or so... pretty happy with the way this turned out, its my first fully finished piece ever, so that's a result in itself...

    I know there's huge areas for improvement - that's a good thing i think, gonna push on and finish the spitty vb, and get cracking on a rf101c after i think...

    I've sent this on to the cousin today, hopefully he likes it...

    On a side note its been a pleasure being part of this group (ive shadow read this forum for ages and slowly built up confidence to get my act together and get some projects moving, there's so many hugely talented artists here, its an honour to be amongst you all... cheers!!)
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  6. #6

    Re: f18a vmfa 314

    Really don't think the side view does it any favours, from some angles it's a lovely looking aircraft. Despite this the profile looks really nice with good subtle shading. Taken a while but you should be pleased with it.
    Harriers...uppy downy things.
  7. #7

    Re: f18a vmfa 314

    thanks inkworm, yep agree on the side profile, i think the gear down ruins the lines of the plane (imho), gear up though... its game on...
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    Last edited by outside; 10th December 2012 at 16:29.
  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Re: f18a vmfa 314

    Very nice! Any chance to see some details? I think you should add more light effects! The profile looks flat to me.

    Luftwaffe Aviation Art
    made by Simon Schatz
  9. #9

    Re: f18a vmfa 314

    YES! MORE, stronger highlights and shadows. Look at it as if it's flat, which it is, now what do you do to make it appear three dimensional? The best way is contrasting light and dark together to pull the objects apart. You've already done this but you need to push it more. If you can make these adjustments easy, try and go too far, and then adjust back until it loos just right.

    Dig these-

    Good reference

  10. #10

    Re: f18a vmfa 314

    hey thanks guys for the suggestions, will ramp up the shadow / light sources and adjust down accordingly till its less flat i suppose...

    will post up when i get to it..

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