I'm no expert on how accurate the model is, but it looks like you have done a fine job. Looking forward to seeing the textures go on.
What software/program are you using please?
Hereīs my latest piece: The AD-4 Skyraider. So far i have only been looking into the modelling, but pretty soon, iīll start thinking about the textures and colors.
The droptank will be replaced by a 1000 pound bomb, but the 5 inch HVAR will stay.
Hope you like this one
the thing i like about these 3D profiles,
they look like a plastic kit before you paint them, and i don't mean this nastylooks like a spad to me
JMSmith (back by popular demand)
Can't wait to see the full on dirty versions, do like the big old birds.
Harriers...uppy downy things.
Thanks alot ! I have tried my luck with some texturing, and hereīs the first sample. So far only the fuselage have been worked on, but it did take some time to get the midnight blue color right.
Jester: Iīm using Modo 501...itīs pretty straight forward, and rather inexpensive piece of software. That program can render and map too, so itīs very versatile. Once the model is mapped, i create the textures in Photoshop, which is very similar to what is done on 2d profiles.
Wow!One of your best, and you haven't even started yet!! Only picky shape comment is the cutout at the bottom of the vertical tail. It has a slightly different shape. I posted some Spad photos in the gallery, but since it was redone I get lost there! In fact, for some reason it has
Douglas XBT2D-1 Dauntless II for a Spad photo!
Can't wait to see the rest of this baby.
Looking good! Maybe a a little dark and the shading is a bit lacking, can you change your lighting to pick up more shape? (This is 3D yes?)
One thing, knock out that HIGH highlight in the exhaust. That area should be dead flat, so you'll get a diffuse highlight, not sharp and white.
Can you get some dents and wrinkles in your wing underside? It looks really smooth compared to the fuselage.
That canopy looks really good!
Are you sure this isn't Sandy and not a Spad?![]()
Here are a few shots I took a few years back, maybe of some use-
Last edited by BLOWHARD; 27th March 2011 at 21:13.
Im not sure that you have captured the subtleties of the way the tail joins to the fuselage, right now it looks like a tube of toothpaste, as in a long straight tube tapering down to a blunt ending.
I can see that. I think it might be what I was talking about with getting the lighting to show more form. I'm assuming he's got the model built correctly and it's just seeing or emphasizing what is there.like a tube of toothpaste