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  1. #1

    Provide input on Komet

    This is my first post here, so hello everyone.

    Recently I started a Me-163b1a Komet profile.
    I collected a bunch of photos and a few good quality side drawings. The problem is that each of these drawings is different, and those differences aren't minor.
    After watching some photos I've chosen the drawing that seems to be the most accurate, but I'm not 100% sure about that, I also could miss something...

    It would be great if someone gave me some comments about the basic shape.

    I know the profile is raw, the fuselage lighting is very wip and there's not much done yet, but I want to be sure that it's core is right before moving forward.

  2. #2

    Re: Provide input on Komet

    Looks ok but then your best bet is to go back and really look at the photos and work it out from there.

    Aircraft walkarounds for starters

    Otherwise I'm sure John will have something to say on the subject.

    Welcome to the forum btw
    Harriers...uppy downy things.
  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Re: Provide input on Komet

    I think best Me 163 drawings at the moment are made from Marek Rys. Not the old ones, but the drawings he finished I think last year.

    Cheers, Simon

    BTW: Welcome at Simmers!
    Luftwaffe Aviation Art
    made by Simon Schatz
  4. #4

    Re: Provide input on Komet

    Quote Originally Posted by Grunio View Post
    The problem is that each of these drawings is different, and those differences aren't minor.
    Bummer isn't it? Tiz why I only work from drawings created by Otter with a side order of my input.
    And to be honest, if Otter hasn't done any line art for the subject I am drawing, I'll stick to working from photographs.
    Welcome to the mad house Grunio.
  5. #5

    Re: Provide input on Komet

    Quote Originally Posted by Jesters-Ink View Post
    Bummer isn't it? Tiz why I only work from drawings created by Otter with a side order of my input.
    And to be honest, if Otter hasn't done any line art for the subject I am drawing, I'll stick to working from photographs.
    Welcome to the mad house Grunio.
    I thought if Otter hadn't done any line art you wouldn't draw it at all!
    Harriers...uppy downy things.
  6. #6

    Re: Provide input on Komet

    Quote Originally Posted by inkworm View Post
    I thought if Otter hadn't done any line art you wouldn't draw it at all!
    Ha ha, then my drawings would be limited German WWII subjects

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