I've been looking for a good paint chipping method for years ans years. Eventually I've discovered that I have to use different techniques according to what I intended to do.
Roughly speaking you have heavily weathered planes (late war japaneese planes for example) on one side and the other ones.
Heavily weathered planes
Start by painting a bare metal layer that you place under your paint scheme layers.
Once your paint scheme is finished place all the layers on a layer group and create a fusion mask associated to this group. Then place your bare metal layer under the group. You can now scratch the paint using the group fusion mask to let appear the metal layer under the chips. Large chips may be roughly drawn with the polygonal lasso and their edges finely detailed with the rubber tool (1 to 2 px size). Small chips are directly drawn with te rubber tools.
Other planes
You don't need to create a bare metal layer neither a group for your paint scheme layers. Nevertheless it is usefull to create a group including paint chips layers (a layer can be related to a specific part of the plane). Then you can draw the paint chips with the Photoshop selection tools and fill the selection with a metallic gradient. Eventually detail the edges as I told you above.
Wether your plane is heavily weathered or not keep that in mind :
- Paint chips appears first on wing edges, mobile parts (flaps, rudder, etc.), maintance pannels and on places where crewmen can step.
- Try to match to shape of the chip with the proccess that create them, as for example footstep don't make the same chips as wind effects.
- Paint chip have always sharp edges. So don't use blur filter or equivalent tool, use sharpening effects to get more realistic redenring.
- Paint chipping is certainly the longest and most difficult task to perform when making a skin.
Things don't come falling from the sky, so be patient, try as many ideas as you can. It took me at least three years of skinning to improve my chipping technique. But I must say I'm quite proud of the skin I'm making know.
These two ones are a significant sample of what I'm curently making :
I hope these few hints would have helped you.
I you need more advice send me a PM.