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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Cape Cod Ma. North East coast USA

    Rivet question??

    hello I need a bit of help.
    I pasted the part of your rivet tutorial below. it I just get lost in that paragraph.
    sorry to be such a noober, but can you slow it down a bit more. Things like create new layer and fill it. wont it all be brown or black?I'm not sure what you mean or how to when to say clear it out??also how to feather again sorry for the noobish question.
    thanks Rave

    Next "select inverse" and create a new layer for your shadows. Fill it with black or dark brown or whatever. Then feather that selection by 1 pixel. This won't work if you've only got 1 pixel selections but if you end up with spit pixels as I have above, it'll do perfect.
    Once you've feathered, clear it out. You'll be left with a perfect fuzzy dark ring around your rivets.
    Last edited by FARaveN; 12th December 2005 at 23:30.
  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: to blowhard rivet question??

    Please pardon my butt-in BLOWHARD, but I might be able to save you some time - on the PS commands at least.

    FARaveN: The easiest is to learn a few hot-key shortcuts, after a while, terms like those in use here become more understandable. So I'll try to answer your command questions with the appropriate hotkeys, at least you can get the job done that way. ok?

    >>>Next "select inverse" and create a new layer for your shadows.<<
    Select Inverse= Ctrl-Sh-I and it will 'reverse' the direction of your selected area, so if you have a circle selected inside your square image area, the 'Circle' is selected, if you 'Invert the selection' you would have the surrounding area selected and NOT the circle.
    New Layer= second icon from right at bottom of layers palette, mouse over it to read popup tips for 'Create new layer' - any selection you have at the time will NOW affect the NEW layer instead.

    >>>Fill it with black or dark brown or whatever. <<<
    Use the bucket tool, or, if you have these colours selected for foreground or BG colours, Ctrl-Backspace (key) or Alt-Backspace will fill it using one of those colours

    >>>Then feather that selection by 1 pixel. <<<
    On menu- go to SELECT/Feather and enter '1' pixel (hotkey Alt-Ctrl-D)

    >>>Once you've feathered, clear it out. <<<
    Clear it out = hit Backspace key, it will delete the contents of the selected area. (NB: The 'Feathered' action will come into play here.

    Hope that helps.

    BLOWHARD: Nice tutorial mate, much appreciated.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Cape Cod Ma. North East coast USA

    Re: to blowhard rivet question??

    Thank you very very much DeanH.
    thats what I needed

    and thatnk you also blowhard for the tutorial
  4. #4

    Re: to blowhard rivet question??

    Thanks Dean

    That worked for you Raven ?
    When you hit backspace (delete on Mac) you clear out anything you have selected. In other words you see the layer under it but when you hit command & backspace you get a color fill in your selection.
    Of course, if you do this on a flattened image you get a color fill either way

    Glad you guys liked the rivet thing

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Cape Cod Ma. North East coast USA

    Re: to blowhard rivet question??

    Yes sir crystal clear

    btw whats this target wear all about I DL it seems like a quality sim.
    is it for mac guys?
    is there a big comunity?
  6. #6

    Re: to blowhard rivet question??

    Targetware is both Mac and PC also Linux too. Right now we've got 4 major modules under development that can be played online; Target Rabaul (PT, Target Tobruk (MT, Target Korea, and Richthofen's Skies. These mods are volunteer based. Both the mods and the game engine are being developed and are by no means finished. It's main focus is online, realistic FMs and game play. The game realism in game play suffers a bit now because full plane sets and game engine functions aren't ready yet, same with the FMs to some extent.
    Right now it's free for DL and online play. There are never huge numbers of people online but you can usually find a few people to shoot at
    It's frustrating for people new to flight sims and has a steep leaning curve at first. Fly around for a bit and you'll pick it up fine.
    Give it a try


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