Has the same email myself, but without your name obviously, haven't had a chance to reply yet, too busy on forums![]()
If anyone wants to cooperate with Mr Wise feel free to get in touch with him. Good luck.
Hi Ugo,
First off my i introduce myself, my name is Craig Wise and i run a aviation web site called Bomber County Aviation Resource (http://www.bcar.org.uk/) which details the history of military aviation in Lincolnshire, England from WWII right through to present day. We have recently gained the backing off Lincolnshire County Council who are currently running a project called Aviation Heritage Lincolnshire. The web site is a non-commercial and non-profit site and is solely paid for out off my own pocket.
My reason for contacting you is, i would like to change the aircraft photo's on the site too digital profiles. Would you be in a position the help me with this and supply me with aircraft profiles as and when needed for the site. Although I'm a qualified web design, i have no skill at graphics, hence this email. Unfortunately i would not be able to offer any payment for the profiles as the site is entirely financed out of my own money. But i would be more than happy to advertise your site on both the web site itself and on our Face Book page, along with also recommending your work to the other aviation groups/web sites that I'm in contact with. Obviously all artwork would be credited to you, and there would be no re-sale or profit made from your artwork.
Craig Wise
Co-ordinator / Web master
Bomber County Aviation Resource
Has the same email myself, but without your name obviously, haven't had a chance to reply yet, too busy on forums![]()
Harriers...uppy downy things.
+1Has the same email myself, but without your name obviously
I've given him permission to use existing drawings, as long as I get proper credit. I don't have time for free custom-made drawings unfortunately. My list of planned benevolent work probably already exceeds my life expectancy, so I'm thinking saying "no" from now on is just basic honesty.![]()
nobody asked me
wonder why![]()
JMSmith (back by popular demand)
Ha Ha, I work for free all the time, but at least I get to pick the projects I want to do and can just side step those I don't.
He should have asked me, he would have been more than welcome to the four I have finished and I might even have pushed through the ones which I have started. Good many I see there too.
But he didn't so good luck.
He didn't contact me, either, John (sniff!). Aren't I good enough either?(sniff!) .... waaaaaaaaaughaaaaaaaaagh!!!!!
I echo the other comments here. I've done one book job for "love" (Actually 10%) and I've ended up resenting the author and dreading doing the work. It dragged on for two years and I can't sell prints, by agreement, until the book is published next year.
I'll do charity work and stuff for friends at half price, but the only free stuff is the stuff on my own personal list!
But...what kind of planes does he want? Just Brit stuff or anything?