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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    A Sample of Skins made for Wings of Prey

    At Bearcat's suggestion (again) I've put together a few screenshots of skins I've created for Wings of Prey, in the hope of luring you over to the 'Dark side' (as one wag suggested). I'm one of a number of active skinners making new, free content for the game. Indeed the game developers have undertaken to include a number of our skins in the upcoming sequel. Anyway, these shots are intended to show you the possibilities for skinning within this particular game environment, and hopefully co-opt fresh skinning talent. Come on over and give it a try!

    Last edited by fenris; 24th May 2011 at 11:28.
  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Re: A Sample of Skins made for Wings of Prey

    It seems there's lots of looking around here, but not much replying!

    Anyway, I thought you might like to know of the new group MadMass has set up on 'flickr'; "Wings of Prey Skinners", where we're archiving our skins collectively. So far we have three artists involved and 100 skins available, we're hoping others that have released skins (or want to) will join the group too. Here's a screenshot below -

    This new venture means you don't have to trawl through 20 pages of posts on the Gaijin website to find what your looking for. The images are tagged, allowing searches by aircraft type, theatre of operations, fighter group etc. Each image has a dowload link in its description to further streamline the process. You can check it out here -

    Flickr: Wings of Prey Skinners

    You can also leave coments under individual skins should you wish to. Hope to see you over there.

    Last edited by fenris; 4th June 2011 at 14:59.
  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: A Sample of Skins made for Wings of Prey

    Hi Fenris,

    I'm new here but have made several P-38 skins for Aces High. Yours are wonderful; I especially like the bare metal work on the "Joan" P-51B. WoP must have better lighting effects? The metal looks fantastic.

    How long does it take to get a custom skin into the game? Is there a limit to the number of skins per a/c? Can you select between different skins while in game?

    Will have to check WoP out!
  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Re: A Sample of Skins made for Wings of Prey

    Hi Oboe,

    Thanks for your kind comments.

    To be honest skins in 'Wings of Prey' is a good news/bad news situation at present (though most of the issues are very likely to have been addressed in its successor "World of Planes"). The ability to change skins was not initially present within the game (other than switching between a couple of default skin options, in-game). Community requests led the developer to release a "Skintools" download that installs a means of loading new skins into the game. However any new skins replace the default skins, and you cannot load multiple skins for the same plane and change back and forth in-game, only access the alternative default skins. Additionally a new skin is not seen by opponents in multi-player, they see the skin they have loaded for that aircraft. So those are the bad points.

    The good points are there are well over a hundred new skins now available for various aircraft, The texture size is big (2042 x 2042) allowing for lots of detail, the developers have released FULL layered .psd files for the most popular aircraft, making skinning for novices very straightforward, the texture files are complex and include channels for bump-mapping, reflectivity and transparency allowing for great realism, the game engine is VERY effective at providing excellent light, cloud and lansdcape effects at high FPS, even on middling PCs.

    Once the software is installed it takes a couple of minutes to install a skin (or skins) and for the game to update its files.

    The gameplay you can argue about til' the cows come home, I happen to like it, some regard it as very arcade... whatev! If your into creating skins and seeing your creations in a completely believable period environment, and especially if you're into making movies from the replays etc, you'll really like it.

    You'll find links and more info both on installing and using 'Skintools', and skinning specifically for Wings of Prey, in the thread below this entitled 'WoP Skinning tips and tutorials'.

    Hope to see your creations in WoP in the future!

    All the best

    - Fenris
  5. #5

    Re: A Sample of Skins made for Wings of Prey

    Hi Guys
    Beautiful Skins you Guys are doing.
    I dont Have WOP yet but am tempted now that excellent Skins like these are available and I might even have a go at making some.
    I mostly use il2 or CLoD for Moviemaking or Skinning so the Gameplay thing not so much an issue.
    By the way if you havnt seen it yet watch this it will knock yer socks off.
    Click url and select HD720 for best Quality.
    Well done again
    Last edited by checkmysix; 29th January 2012 at 08:01.
  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Re: A Sample of Skins made for Wings of Prey

    Hi Keith,

    Thanks for the support! Glodark did a really great job on that movie, and I feel very privileged that he used one of my skins for the Spit. As you can see WoP has great movie making might like to check out this thread on the Gaijin forums Screenshots & videos - Gaijin Entertainment Forum



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