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Thread: Willys MB

  1. #1

    Willys MB

    Hi everybody,

    congrats to this interesting forum !

    A "profiler" myself for some years now,
    I usually work with Xara Xtreme.

    So here's my first contribution : a Willys MB.

    Engines of the Red Army in WW2
    Engines of the Wehrmacht in WW2
    Attached Images Attached Images    
    Last edited by o5m6; 19th June 2011 at 19:57. Reason: Image adjustments
  2. #2

    Re: Willys MB

    That's pretty nice looking Oliver!
    Do you do the line drawings yourself?
    You might want to try de-emphasizing the line drawing aspect and concentrate more on developing the shapes. Also maybe cut back on the contrast some. Unless you want to concentrate on the graphic line drawing style that is.
    Really nice looking though.

    A lot of fun stuff on your website too

  3. #3

    Re: Willys MB

    Thank you for your comment, BLOWHARD.
    Sometimes I do the line drawing myself,
    but as often I use existing ones if they look correct.
    What do you mean with
    "de-emphasizing the line drawing aspect and concentrate
    more on developing the shapes" ?
    Some example ?
  4. #4

    Re: Willys MB

    Ah, that will need to wait until I get home

  5. #5

    Re: Willys MB

    Examples of my stuff with lines added-
    Name:  wheel_line.jpg
Views: 428
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    Name:  cl2_line.jpg
Views: 421
Size:  276.2 KB
    The ones with lines don't look that bad but they tend to look a bit flatter and less realistic. Almost nothing in real life has a line around it, usually you get a hard edge between light and dark, not really a line.
    I'm pretty sure your jeep will look a million times better if your line drawing was either more subtle or if it was selectively erased or masked out. You can use your shadows and highlights to make the shapes on the Jeep, like you already have, and not rely on the line drawing to separate the shapes.

    But do keep in mind, this could be a stylistic approach you are using and not intended to be ultra realistic.
    If this is the look you want, then it's 100% right
    I'm sure other will put in some comments too.

  6. #6

    Re: Willys MB

    Thanks, BLOWHARD, your examples are most instructive.
    So I have omitted the outline strokes alltogether now.
    The shapes have lost a bit of their sharpness and contrast,
    but the whole car somehow looks more realistic, at least in my eyes.
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  7. #7

    Re: Willys MB

    OH YES! Much better! Really nice work!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    between tedium and apathy, with an occasional sidetrip to monotony

    Re: Willys MB

    Its amazing how such a simple change in technique improves a profile. And its probably the biggest mistake most make when drawing profiles.

    I reckon that that little bit of advice has been handed out here on more than one occasion.

    There's some really nice work on your site Oliver, are you going to apply the same treatment to those profiles as well? I think you should.

    Your work reminds me of Wlad-Fr's in many ways.

    Wonder what happened to Wlad? I miss his armour.

    Whilst I'm rambling in a slightly O/T kinda way, BLOWHARD finish your IV.
  9. #9

    Re: Willys MB

    Finish what? Oh, was I working on that? I forgot Someday...but that file was getting SO BIG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: Willys MB

    Much better indeed. I like it.

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