広明産さんいらっしゃいませ! Simmersはとっても面白いところです。![]()
Hello. The illustration is up-loaded for the first time. This aircraft deployed HYAKURI Air Force Base JAPAN.![]()
You're such a show-off Ugo!広明産さんいらっしゃいませ! Simmersはとっても面白いところです![]()
This is a coloured in line-drawing, right?
Not that there is anything wrong with that!
For mine, the shadows need to be darker and the highlights need to be reduced somewhat.
And welcome aboard. Hope to see more.
Oh...Ok. That changes things alot.
I understand completely how difficult it is to achieve the results as seen here.
That being the case, it'll be a cinch to turn off the ugly black outlines, especially the ones around the fuselage and the intake.
I certainly would.
Seconded on the outlines, and what package, illustrator? Regardless of how it's done the reflection on the nose looks wrong and personally I'd fade out the highlights so they don't go to the very top so parts like the engine sides have a slightly darker area at the top.
What technique do you use, gaussian blurs or gradient meshes?
Harriers...uppy downy things.
Hiroaki san does fine work. Looking forward to seeing more of it,