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  1. #1

    A glimpse of Waddington 2011

    All round, a good day out, with some unexpecteds too

  2. #2

    Re: A glimpse of Waddington 2011

    I thought about it but previous years haven't been all that great, plus off to Flying Legends next weekend so two weekends in a row is pushing my luck...will see what I can get next weekend.

    Cheers for the photos and glad you had a good day.
    Harriers...uppy downy things.
  3. #3

    Re: A glimpse of Waddington 2011

    Sposed to be going Legends too, but the forecast is for bad weather, so don't know now. I think we will see on the day, but if it is chucking it down, we wont bother.
  4. #4

    Re: A glimpse of Waddington 2011

    Managed to blag a free ticket so I'll be going on the Sunday regardless, even if the flying is a bit rubbish will be nice to see the P-38

    What was traffic like getting in, I've heard it was a bit of a nightmare from others
    Harriers...uppy downy things.
  5. #5

    Re: A glimpse of Waddington 2011

    Got there real early (7am ish) so we were in the top 100. Found a car park where they were letting people park up in what I think was an overspill area.
    Only down side was we were lest to be let out lol. But all in all, it wasn't that bad, took us 30 mins to be let out, where as some people were there more than an hour waiting.

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