Interesting! Was it a captured truck? Did the Germans use a Ford factory somewhere in captured territory?
This time a Ford Maultier Halftrack with 2cm Flak 38.
Rarity of the final days of the Third Reich.
Fore- and background to achieve more depth.
Interesting! Was it a captured truck? Did the Germans use a Ford factory somewhere in captured territory?
This profile does nothing for me at the moment, the addition of some background and sky just confuses and spoils it, also compared to your other work this looks very very rough and unfinished, with regard to the shading I would either go full on and work it up nicely or leave it out, a few quick strokes to highlight such as the wheel arches only confuse the image.
There are some great technical drawing skills in your work but the rendering could be pushed a bit more imho.
Harriers...uppy downy things.
You're never going to achieve true depth by adding graphic elements fore and aft of the profile. If you really want to achieve this end you really need to work on form using light and shade, and lose the line-work,
I believe that this advice has been given before, so as ever, this being your work present it as you see fit. Just don't be surprised when you read the same comments with each new post.
There are numerous examples of what im talking about on this very board.![]()
Ford Germany. Ford had plants in several European countries including England and Germany.Was it a captured truck?
German Trucks & Cars in WWII Vol.VIII; Ford at War
Thanks for the answer, Dave!![]()