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  1. #1 friends all drive Porsche...

    ...well not all, Janis, still some on Shermans and T-34
    Anyway, a true Porsche, the WW2 65-ton tank hunter "Ferdinand"
    named after his designer Ferdinand Porsche.

    Engines of the Red Army in WW2
    Engines of the Wehrmacht in WW2
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  2. #2

    Re: friends all drive Porsche...

    For some reason despite surfaces being at different angles the illustration looks very flat and there seems to be some confusion over the light source, some of the elements are in shadow but are still casting a shadow.

    Also as I have said before the paint chips on the edges look very unnatural. Instead of using the sharp edged shape again and again, try painting something new each time, it may take a little longer but would make a big difference, have a look at real tanks and how they weather around the edges as it will help a lot.
    Harriers...uppy downy things.
  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    between tedium and apathy, with an occasional sidetrip to monotony

    Re: friends all drive Porsche...

    I'd like to see how this would look without all the black lines defining the shapes.

    Outlined paint chips...really?

    I don't reckon that it needs them.

    Don't be afraid.
  4. #4


    Thank you very much for your comments,
    I have worked the beast over a bit and opened
    the driver's hatch for getting some more depth.
    The driver isn't mine, though
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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    between tedium and apathy, with an occasional sidetrip to monotony

    Re: friends all drive Porsche...

    Im curious o5m6, You always thank those that comment on your work, but to my eye, you never seem to act on this "advice", I'd be interested to know what you actually think of these comments?

    Of course its entirely up to you what style you choose to work with.

    There is no right or wrong.
  6. #6

    Re: friends all drive Porsche...


    I very much appreciate any critical feedback on the
    drawings as that's the only chance for me to improve.
    I still struggle with light and shadow and, yes, I must
    admit that some drawings are still lacking the depth.
    And omitting the (thin) black outline somehow makes the
    drawing a bit unsharp and softened, at least in my eyes.

    You're right, GFR, it's really a matter of style.
  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    between tedium and apathy, with an occasional sidetrip to monotony

    Re: friends all drive Porsche...

    Happy to see that you understood that there was no malice intended in my question.

    Keep at it your real close to nailing these.
  8. #8

    Re: friends all drive Porsche...

    Just remember lines are only created by two surfaces meeting and having different textual or lighting properties, in real life you never actually see a line as such (even panel lines are just the dark edge between two surfaces).

    The big concern I still have with your illustrations is the unnatural use of weathering and repetition of the same bit, try using some rough brushes and make every bit different, you'll be surprised how it can look.
    Harriers...uppy downy things.
  9. #9

    Re: friends all drive Porsche...

    Thanks again, guys, so here's the tank with the outlines omitted...
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  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    between tedium and apathy, with an occasional sidetrip to monotony

    Re: friends all drive Porsche...

    The real question is. What do you think?

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