Does anyone have any linedrawings of a Pilatus PC-7? I haven't been able to turn up something good on this one.
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sorry mate, i am sadly lacking in the PC-7 dept
JMSmith (back by popular demand)
me too... Have a PC-9 I did couple of years ago....
Originally Posted by JMSmith sorry mate, i am sadly lacking in the PC-7 dept I'm in shock!
Harriers...uppy downy things.
Hmmm ok, I started working from pictures to get the shape then. What do you guys think? The dent in the rear part of the canopy is there on purpose though I may have overdone it a bit.
this was my PC-9 linedrawing. Maybe can be of some help...
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PC-7 Mk. II Werkszeichnung © by Pilatus Aircraft
what's the difference between PC-7 Mk.II and PC-9
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