It's a what if, did a pile of schemes which were all nmf so thought I'd skin up a few what ifs for can we get back to John baiting? It's more fun!
Harriers...uppy downy things.
Nice whiffie, Chris!
I do prefer nekkid French birds though... check this!
French Armed Forces Pictures - Page 32
Ever so slight bias towards the attached...
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Great pic. Question: those doors on Skyraider were access to... what?
If I'm not wrong it appears in late variants.
They carried a sauna and bar on board for station commanders
Skyraider, please don't post stuff like that my wife might catch me looking at such stuff and I'll get in all sorts of trouble!
Harriers...uppy downy things.
there is nothing wrong with looking at naked french birds![]()
JMSmith (back by popular demand)