I would be interested but I can't find a way to contact you by PM??
I can be reached by email at webmaster[AT]gaetanmarie[DOT]com if you're interested.
Best regards,
I'm currently developing a top down 2d game and need some commerical airliners commissioned for after the new year. Looking at some of the work on here there are some really talented people so PM me if you know anyone who is available. Thanks
I would be interested but I can't find a way to contact you by PM??
I can be reached by email at webmaster[AT]gaetanmarie[DOT]com if you're interested.
Best regards,
sorry thought we could PM here. I've sent you an email
His inbox is probably full, also be interested as well, what format is the game going to be?
Harriers...uppy downy things.
Hi thanks for the reply but I'm happy with gamarys' work and I've already commissioned him to do the work. Sorry about that.