Here's what I've come up with for RLM 78, yours is top left BH and I see what you mean about the range. I'll chuck up my own take on it later once I've tried some out.
After Ink asked about these colors for his Fi 156, I decided this would be a good one for discussion.
I did a lot of research on RLM 79 in 2006 for Targetware. I made a chart showing all the RGB numbers I could find online. Here it is-
It's pretty obvious there was no consensus on this color within the online skinning community at the time!!!
For Ink, I got out the old Monogram Guide chips and the new Classic Publication chips. I didn't bother with Ullmann's chips which I think are too glossy and deep to use, or the Egale Additions chips. I didn't think it would make a difference unless I had a color spectrum analyzer.
Using my eyeball, which isn't too accurate or scientific, I came up with this-
I didn't have a nice chart made for 78 and I don't feel like making one now, but I can tell you the online RGB RLM charts I collected show as diverse a color range for 78 from green is to straight gray. Here is my eyeball match-
OK, that's just a starting point I hope. maybe both of those colors are too light? Or a little off?
I'm sure some of you have your own matches for 78/79 and maybe even a few accurately matched RGB numbers to add? Baron, Jester, I know both of you have your own matches ready
Let's have them please, along with what chips, if any, you are using to derive your color![]()
Here's what I've come up with for RLM 78, yours is top left BH and I see what you mean about the range. I'll chuck up my own take on it later once I've tried some out.
Harriers...uppy downy things.
Nice Ink! That's just the ticketI guess speculators will fit into either the cold-blue or green-blue category.
(Thanks for fixing my RGB numbers)