Hi all,

Not sure if this is the right place, but here goes...

Just thought you might like to know that I've created a calender for 2012 featuring a range of illustrations from the excellent books by Chris Gibson - Secret Projects - Hypersonics, Ramjets & Missiles, VC10 Unbuilt Variants, Vulcans Hammer, and the upcoming Admiralty and AEW. Purely my personal selection, images are as follows:

Blue Envoy missile
VC10 'Nimrod'
HP Victor launching large missile, from VH
Vickers 432 Artemis
P139 - from Naval AEW
2 x P1154
Avro Delta VTOL Landing
Avro 768 AEW Landing - from Naval AEW
Z59 Missile
HP114 Skybolt
Avro 730

It's available through Cafepress, price £15.00 ($20.00) via my site store - Prints, posters and more from Bisbos.com

Hope you like it!
