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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Question How do you pick out panellines on templates?


    Am trying out skinning for the first time these days..
    Using Gimp

    I have downloaded some templates for CloD and I would like to make the panellines show up better.
    However I am having a hard time seperating them from the "weathering" that is also on the template (The template is just one layer!).
    How do you do this whithout the need to re-draw each line?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Tracy Island

    Re: How do you pick out panellines on templates?

    Hi and welcome.

    If the "template" has only one layer with everything on it, then it's not what I'd call a real template. A proper template will have as many layers as it takes to break each element down for easy access.

    On a single layer file, there isn't really a way to separate the lines from everything else in a quick, easy way. Redrawing each line is the primary option, and having done this many times, I know it takes a very long time!

    What might help is try and locate some more refined templates. If searching doesn't turn up anything, you might put up a request post and see if anybody replies.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: How do you pick out panellines on templates?

    Thanks for quick reply!

    Very helpfull

    I came to think maybe I have missed something about the files..cause I downloaded .dds files and converted them to .psd and loaded them into GIMP.
    This should be OK? OR am I not doing something the right way here?

    It doesnt seem right that the psd file is 16MB? .and just one layer...?
  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Tracy Island

    Re: How do you pick out panellines on templates?

    Well, the .dds file is not really a template so far as I'm aware, but instead that's an actual graphic file for use in the game engine. Converting this .dds file to .psd will only reveal the flat image that was exported from the "real" template.

    The filesize might be correct for a single layer. Sometimes a file can contain one or more alpha layers for special effects. These are essentially extra images overlayed on the visible painting itself, and easily increase the file size.

    What you need is a real template kit. As an example of what to expect, take a look at this IL2 CloD template a user has uploaded here at SPS:

    Looking through this file in Gimp will show the kind of detail you'll have in a proper template.

    Finding a proper template for the aircraft you want will take some asking around. I'm not familiar with the IL2:CloD community, but back in the days of the original IL2 releases, there was a website where hundreds of templates and finished skins were shared. Perhaps some other website has filled this role today for IL2:CloD. We do welcome proper user template uploads here at SPS, though so far only one has been submitted.

  5. #5

    Re: How do you pick out panellines on templates?

    Hi Guys
    Here are 2 Templates I have created for CLoD and have made them both
    available in PSD and XCF Format to accomodate both Gimp and PhotoShop
    These Templates Have Multiple Layers for all aspects incuding Camouflage, Markings and of course Panel lines.
    The in game JPG Skins are Hardcoded so panel lines appear automaically However to make lines more apperent just increase the Opacity on the Panel Lines Layer.

    JU88 Template: GIMP...JU88 TEMPLATE[Gimp].rar
    PhotoShop...JU88 TEMPLATE[PhotoShop].rar

    Do-17 Template: Gimp...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: How do you pick out panellines on templates?

    Thanks a lot for the answers and information guys.
    I have taken a look at your templates Keith and they are truly a great tool!! But For my skin, that is for a He-115 I just went ahead the hard way and drew up the lines by hand lol.. -No biggie.. just takes time..
    Might finish it this week..
  7. #7

    Re: How do you pick out panellines on templates?

    Quote Originally Posted by Panzermeyer33 View Post
    Thanks a lot for the answers and information guys.
    I have taken a look at your templates Keith and they are truly a great tool!! But For my skin, that is for a He-115 I just went ahead the hard way and drew up the lines by hand lol.. -No biggie.. just takes time..
    Might finish it this week..
    Cheers Panzermeyer33
    To save a lot of time doing by hand.
    Try Duplicating the He-115 layer several times then Merging in to one layer.
    Look at the lines and each time you add a duplicate layer they will get darker however bear in mind that some other aspects of the layer may also get darker so do this to a Blank layer[No added markings,weathering etc] then add markings latter once all layers have been merged
    Hope this helps

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