Szerintem a szárny alatti hűtő túl kicsi,a motor melletti pedig túlságosan egybeolvad a motorral.
A függőleges vezérsík és törzs találkozásánál domborulat van.
A légcsavarkúp és a motor között nincs ekkora rés.
Egyébként jó!
Hi everyone !
Its been a while since my last visit on this site...2007 if my account history is rightCouldnt find many familiar names among the regular posters apart from Jester and Zamex, but I see some amazing stuff being done here ! FEel like a complete noob compared to some of you guys but here I go anyway
So...I am illustrating a book and I keep running into problems about a couple planes. Ive already asked Zamex about the Bf-110, but the Me 210 gives me problems as well. The timeframe is very short and the workload is large so I just picked one of the available plans, tried to correct it based on photos and this is what I came up with. No weathering, basic fast 3d shading only, lots of missing stuff...yet I would like you to tear it apart. Please tell me which area has bad shapes. Be cruel if I can ask, because most probably I will start it from scratch, Im so unpleased with the result. (my opinion: fuselage from canopy till tail needs a lil rotation clockwise, wing is not so pointy, canopy shape is bad, shouldnt be this flat, wingroot might be badly positioned and then barbette, ammo panel as well, radiator on the nacelle needs to be placed a bit further back...etc....)
I know there has been some 210 threads last year but oh well, hope you gents could help me out.
Szerintem a szárny alatti hűtő túl kicsi,a motor melletti pedig túlságosan egybeolvad a motorral.
A függőleges vezérsík és törzs találkozásánál domborulat van.
A légcsavarkúp és a motor között nincs ekkora rés.
Egyébként jó!
Yep, like I said the shading is just a quick thing, so you are right about the tail-fuselage joint and the radiator, those simply havent been done yet. The rest of what you said needs fixing indeed. But go on please, this being my fav, want it to be perfect to the last rivet and right now its far from it.
One thing is sure, the Ca1 - contrary to the common misbelief and bad drawings - did not have the 5 degree backward pointed wing, but the standard Me 410 wing. At least according to the guys writing the book, and according Petrick's Messerschmitt Bf 110/Me 210/Me 410: An Illustrated History
Very pretty work! Long time, no type, Vik - I hope that all is well with you.![]()
Sure, all fine Vig, thanks. Life been a bit busy thats about you ?
So...despite there isnt much activity and crits I decided to go on posting as I usually find old threads useful, maybe someone else fill find it so in the future.
I decided to ditch all the available Me210Ca1 drawings assuming they all carried over previous mistakes. I also kept in mind what my historian/researcher guys said about the Ca1 having pure 410 shapes with the sole exception of the engine nacelles. (as it has a different engine). I used only photos of hungarian Ca1s or Me410s and put together parts from photos, parts that carry no distortion, and came up with a basic sketch. Below you can see how misshaped was my previous effort (based on available line drawings)
Hello Jutocsa!
Attention, you are mixing Me410 and Me210. The fuselage of F6+WK is a Me410. This was longer as the fuselage of the Me210.
Cheers, Simon
Hey there
Well, the 410 and the Ca1 was exactly the same length. Of course the 210A was shorter but thats not important here. Also...that 410 was not the main reference, but a nice clear distant shot of a 210Ca1 of the RHAF, the rest what you see on top of it are just there to confirm the shape.
Last edited by Jutocsa; 10th January 2012 at 12:19.
Sorry, didn't know that the Me210Ca1 had the same fuselage as the Me410. This is new to me. So just the wings and engine were different? I didn't spent to much time with that type. The Me410 I have done some time ago based on a linedrawing made by Otterkins2. Maybe my drawing helps you regarding lights and shadows:
Hi !,
No, not even the wings were different. The common belief up until a couple years ago was that the wing was rotated backwards 5 degrees (outer wing part from the nacelle) to balance out the lenghtened fuselage, and as such, most available Me210Ca1 drawings has that type of wing. Recent research indicated that it was just under consideration, but in reality the additional armor and the engines were found to be enough compensation. So the conclusion in that book, with which my authors agree as well is that the same wing was used on all types.
Thx, Ive checked your (and Kakukk's) Me-210/410s alreadyDidnt want to use them, only photos, but its nice to see my wing shape pretty much turned out to be like yours. Apart from being so pointy but will see about that on the final drawing.