I've taken this one step further and restarted doing models in plastic!
Hey, I just found another use for my crap profiles! This is still an early WiP and needs a lot of detail adding before I take it out to fly. Modo is murder at first until you get used to the tools, from then on it's just painful.
looks good! let me know if you need any help
Thanks for the offer. I may just take you up on that, particularly when I get to skinning it.
I be more than happy to help you ! Acctually the skinning process should already be considered in the modelling process.
Once thing that really have help me when i model aircrafts is: Never use SubD (Tab key and/or Shift-tab), when you want a more smooth surface just hit the SDS subdivide tap. YouŽll get a large number of polys but the GL count is kept down, and most importantly: YouŽll not have any problems with destorted edges once you unwrap and the mesh is much more "edit-friendly"
IŽll be happy to explain in further details, or if you need help with teh future process, drop me a line on aircraftprofiles@gmail.com
And by the wat, just because you move on to 3d, doesnŽt mean that your profile days a numberedattached is a WIP
MARLIN! That looks really nice!![]()