Hi Mangas,
You can save your paths in Photoshop.
How Photoshop works with paths is a little odd. If you just draw a path Photoshop will place this in a new path layer and call this the Working Path (in italics). If you look in your Paths panel you should see it there. When the name of the path layer is in italics, it is not permanent and may disappear when you draw a new path. It sounds like this is what is happening to you.
To make it permanent you can either double-click on the Path name in the Path panel, or use the drop down menu in the top right corner of the Path panel and choose Save.
This path will then be saved when you save your Photoshop file and will be there for you next time you open it.
You can have as many "layers" of paths as you need. You can also select and copy a path and, when you paste it, it will drop back in exactly the same position.
I usually have one layer with all the airframe paths and then a second, third, fourth ... with just the markings paths for each variant.
I hope this helps.