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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    S.-Petersburg, Russia

    CS4 unrecovery crashing

    Hello to all. My sodding CS4 just crashed right after initializing a type font tool, an unrecovery crash occured so half-the-day work is gone...
    Is there any autorecovery feature like in MS Word? I assume there's no...
    Now I feel like I'm going to experience this kind of bug quite often...
    Any suggestions?
    I remember having the same crashes before while working with fonts in Photoshop (I have a lot of them in Windows/Fonts folder installed)...
    Btw, my file size in >120 Mb... can it be a problem too? (XP SP3/3,25Gb RAM)...
    Last edited by Mangas; 30th January 2012 at 12:49.
  2. #2

    Re: CS4 unrecovery crashing

    OH NO I have no ideas for PS on Windows. MS Word actually does saves to a temporary document but I don't think PS does. On a Mac what ever you've done and not saved in PS is in temporary memory and once PS is quit or crashes, it's no longer really there, only PS could access it and on the links to that memory is gone as far as PS is concerned, it doesn't exist any more.
    Maybe there's a trick on Windows though?
    And yes, file size can really mess up PS or a computer depending on the specs. The type tool can do weird stuff too but I've never had PS crash because of it...yet
    I hope a Windows person can help.

  3. #3

    Re: CS4 unrecovery crashing

    Too late now but I know the whole autosave feature has been raised many times due to this same very frustrating situation happening to all of us, you should hear me scream when it crashes with big gap since saving. However the feeling was that with the time taken to auto save large files it could interrupt workflow and cause further memory issues. I'd still rather have it as an option.

    If you are having issues with fonts try something like Suitcase which allows you to turn on and off fonts from a separate folder when it suits you. It means I normally only have a few hundred load at any time.

    What's the history set to, that building up can cause it to freeze on occasions. Other times I think PS just hates us.
    Harriers...uppy downy things.
  4. #4

    Re: CS4 unrecovery crashing

    Yepper, font management is REALLY important if you've got a lot of fonts, really anything over 150 or so is better with some sort of font controlling application/program.

    I do remember Photoshop totally destroying Mac OS7 and OS8 BIG TIME. A large file would just kill everything instantly and do loads of damage to the file structure sometimes too. Right now, the newer CS versions of PS and super smooth on OS 10.6 and up. But that doesn't help too much.


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