A very enviable position!!! Thanks for the offer![]()
I think I know the A6M3 Model 32 you mention, that's pretty exiting!!!!
I'm always ready to see more Zero details...
If so, then look no further! I live about 10 minutes away from perhaps the most rare collection of FLYING WWII aircraft in the world at Paine Field in Everett, Washington. Between Historic Flight Foundation and Paul Allen's Flying Heritage Collection, there are nearly 20 of the worlds most rare military aircraft of WWII.
Here's a list of the aircraft I visit at least once a week (* denotes those that are flown regularly)
B-25D Mitchell*
B-25J Mitchell*
P-51B Mustang*
P-51D Mustang*
P-40C Tomahawk*
P-47D Thunderbolt*
Spitfire Mk. Vc*
Spitfire Mk. IXe*
Hurricane Mk. XII*
Fieseler Storch*
I-16 Rata*
Ki-43 Oscar
IL-2M3 Shturmovik*
F7F-3 Tigercat*
F8F Bearcat*
To arrive in the somewhat near future:
A6M32* (This year)
F6F Hellcat* (Next year-ish)
P-38* (Unknown)
Me-262* (Unknown)
I'm not sure how much you folks may be current on the world of warbirds, but the aircraft owned by FHC have been restored to represent the aircraft they way they were in combat. No fancy high-gloss finishes here! In fact our newest bird, the worlds only flying IL-2, arrived with the fresh paint chipping off. Because the Russians didn't apply primer to these aircraft during WWII, neither did the restoration company that finished ours, so it's bare aluminum beneath the paint. The paint on the Fw-190 (ORIGINAL airframe AND BMW motor) was applied the very same way it was applied in the field in 1943. Same with all the other aircraft. Their B-25J is the most accurately restored bomber in the world.
If any of you skinners would like to see the true colors and details of these aircraft, please let me know so I can accommodate the talented artists here! :-)
Here are a few samples:
Messerschmitt 044 by fight2flyphoto, on Flickr
This is an Me-262 that was finished by Legend Flyers and sent to Virginia Beach as one of their replicas. The FHC 262 will be an original.
20110422_34 by fight2flyphoto, on Flickr
Currently this is the worlds only airworthy Fw-190, an A5, and original BMW-801 engine. It was a truly amazing sight this summer to see it fly in formation with the Bf-109. Some 60 years in the making!
20110420_154 by fight2flyphoto, on Flickr
Perhaps two of the rarest aircraft in the world, these birds are "near" airworthy condition and have flown in the past. However, since both this Oscar and the Dora-13 are the ONLY ones of their kind anywhere, they will remain grounded. Nonetheless, they are amazing aircraft to see.
015 by fight2flyphoto, on Flickr
Our newest addition, yet another one that is the ONLY airworthy example in the world, their IL-2M3 Shturmovik. She arrived just about 2 weeks ago from restoration in Russia. Here you can see the chipping paint and a bullet hole that was left in the skin. There are a few bullet holes that they decided to keep as is.
042 by fight2flyphoto, on Flickr
Here is a shot of the vertical stabilizer and rudder of the IL-2, showing the texture and style of the painting.
095 by fight2flyphoto, on Flickr
This is one of only two airworthy P-40C's in the world, and last October got a fresh new coat of paint! Previously it had a temporary wax coat of paint with markings of the 3rd Pursuit Squadron. Now it has a proper scheme of the 1st Pursuit squadron. And yes, the "Flying Tiger" is an actual decal that has a protective coat on top to keep from peeling. :-) The shark mouth was hand painted, as was the "1st Pur" tail art, shown here. The artist used 1:1 enlargements of original photographs to create stencils as to create the most accurate and authentic replication possible.
I've got photographs of all airworthy aircraft flying and static, as well as video, and even audio of most of them.
If you have any specific requests, please post them here and I will do my best to accommodate. Just remember, they won't let me IN most of the planes, so cockpit shots are pretty difficult to get.
A very enviable position!!! Thanks for the offer![]()
I think I know the A6M3 Model 32 you mention, that's pretty exiting!!!!
I'm always ready to see more Zero details...
You're welcome, I do all I can to share the wealth! :-)
The FHC zero will be here "soon" for this seasons fly days. It has a PW engine in it.
Legend Flyers, now that they're done with the Me-262 and static Fake-Wulf 190, is working on an original A6M3-32 also, which will have an original engine in it. That will probably be a couple of years as they're still in jigs and things. It's pretty sweet to see, though. Especially the truckload of airplane parts they brought up from the bottom of the ocean near the Marshall Islands.
I'm now waiting for John to come along and ask for the Skua!
Very impressive list and quite envious of your position, which Storch is it as I'm currently working through them all but don't have any really good references of the upper wing or under belly. Would really love to see the 262 one day.
Harriers...uppy downy things.
It's an Fi-156 C-2.
Luftwaffe day (48) by fight2flyphoto, on Flickr
Here is a shot showing the underside a bit.
Luftwaffe day (74) by fight2flyphoto, on Flickr
Luftwaffe day (7) by fight2flyphoto, on Flickr
They keep it with the wings folded while indoors, so I can easily get some detail shots of that.
Oh, I can't believe I forgot to mention the other static original artifacts:
Me-163 Komet
Fi 103 V-1
Fi 103R
And original non-flying artifacts:
Flak 37 88mm gun (2)
Jagdpanzer 38(t) Hetzer
KMDB T-34/85
good collection of pics look nice..
I will sure be asking for a lot at some point, I'm more than disappointed that the two you have mentioned there were on our "to visit" list this summer. Unfortunately, for the sake of our kids and our own sanity, we are sticking to the east coast this visit:-(
But you never know, next year . . .
Interesting, I believe the replica 262 in the OP which is marked as white 3 was flown by Franz Stigler in JG44. In the book a higher call he describes his time with that group.
What I'd really like to get is the paint scheme for Stigler's BF109 which he was flying when he escorted Charlie Brown's barely flyable B-17 out of Germany and towards the North Sea. I have a repaint of the B-17, "Ye Olde Pub" and I'd like to find the 109's scheme to to put on A2A's 109 to compliment it.![]()
George "Alky" Fisher