Try reducing the bright light running all along the fuselage. It's a bit too wide and string IMHO...
Hello to all.
Firstly, I thought I could please you with this project and how it's going, but now I see some real problems arose with a lot of different thing (like wing root, main 3D concept e.t.c.)...
I never thought it would be so hard to make Soviet VVS ww2 stuff... I see a lot of things that I just don't like at all and I just don't know how to improve... And the worst thing is that there's not much good profiles of this (not to speak about the descent walkarounds)... Perhaps I should do smth else & get back to it when I'll have more experience...
P.S.: To BLOWHARD: Dave, to save the project, I had to re-do overall outline mask... Thanks for the tip.
Last edited by Mangas; 22nd February 2012 at 10:01.
I did this one...really tricky...
fingers crossed
Peter Kassak
hi mate,
there are some really good drawing out there of this bird, you have just got to keep working on it until you are happy, it don't help being wood skinned![]()
JMSmith (back by popular demand)
John, did you get my e-mail about Tempest and Bloch?
yes mate,
will sort you something out later![]()
JMSmith (back by popular demand)
Very nice looking!![]()
I take it this is one of those mostly wooden planes?
Yours is pretty sweet too Peter![]()
Tricky, indeed. My comments for the moment would be the following:
The wing root and leading edge seem very curvy, perhaps too much.
The wing also looks very thin and needs more thickness IMO. The reason for that is the highlight on the leading edge, I believe. If you rework it, it should make the wing look "fatter".
Thanks to everybody for the replies.
I agree with the comments...
Actually, the thing that bothers me most is the basic 3D concept we use: either it's only me or we all do the same mistake... I mean the overall dark outline (slightly on top and much more from the bottom)... It may work good for the modern/civil stuff (especially if the overall fuselage color is white/shades of pale) but I/we definitely have to re-think something better for the ww2 planes (mostly fighters) who often had tricky formed fuselage shapes, especially if they're "dark-colored"... Using the common concept is wrong here, IMHO...
Concerning all the said above I've just figured out that each artist sooner or later have to make quite difficult choice: either to make things he does to look realistic, or to make them picturesque (bright, nice looking). Unfortunately (or luckily) these two concepts are mutually exclusive... Being a beginner, I tried to combine them both so far, which, intending to help, actually p r e v e n t e d me to achieve a really good result...
O-o-p-ss, that was too much...![]()
Last edited by Mangas; 23rd February 2012 at 12:23.
Reworked, assumin' all said above...
P.S.: Dave, I need your opinion about the new "underwing" concept... That's 180 opposite that we used to do... What do you think?![]()