seeing as i was the cause of this its time to put it to bed,
at no point did i asked or demand it be removed, i did not nor indeed require bogsituacije to leave the site, i just made a personal comment, i do like his artwork.
now the but! i used to own and run a site called, one of the moderators was a gentleman by the name of misko, a serbian, his anti american comments caused an outright war on the site, i also used to work with another serbian who i class as a very good friend, he also was anti US and Nato, i got great pleasure from calling hime a serbocroat!!!! hahahahhaha, i personaly do not care who is in the right in any war, in fact the bloody wars should be fought by the politicians that cuase them not the poor inocent people that have to die for their country.
i hope you will stay on the site and continue to post your work, and i hope that you may understand why i objected.